Segregation of Duties for Core Business Processes | Lynn Fountain | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Introduction to Yellow Book | Melisa Galasso | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Sampling for Single Audit | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
2022 Governmental Entities and Cyber Frauds | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
State and Local Reporting: 1099 and SALT Issues | Steven Mercatante | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Value-Based Enterprise Management in Government | Gary Cokins | 2 | Overview | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Auditing for Waste in a Government Entity | Robert Minniti | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Designing Effective KPIs and Performance Dashboards | Miles Hutchinson | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Developing a Well Trained Staff Using a Skills Based Approach | Jennifer Kowal | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
The Uses of Trusts and their Tax Consequences | Steven Siegel | 8 | Basic | $145 | add to cartSold Out |
Strategy Management with a Strategy Map and its Balanced Scorecard | Gary Cokins | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Testing Internal Controls in a Single Audit | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Top 7 Trends in Management Accounting | Gary Cokins | 2 | Overview | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Multistate Sales Tax Issues in a Digital World | Joseph Endres Hodgson Russ LLP | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
An Update of State Tax Issues for Corporations | Hodgson Russ LLP Open Banks K. Craig Reilly Katherine Piazza | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Major Program Determination | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Small Business Issues in Today's Market | David Osburn | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Nonresident Income Allocation and Resident Credits | Hodgson Russ LLP Timothy Noonan Andrew Wright Ariele Doolittle Emma Savino | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Subrecipient Monitoring under Uniform Guidance | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Mentoring to Increase Employee Retention and Diversity | Jennifer Kowal | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Federal and State Taxation of Deferred Compensation | Hodgson Russ LLP Ryan Murphy Amy Walters Andrew Wright | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Procurement Standards under Uniform Guidance | Diane Edelstein | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Telecommuting and Beyond: Tax Issues for the Employer | Hodgson Russ LLP Elizabeth Pascal Emma Savino | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
State Taxation of Passthrough Entities and the Federal Deduction | Hodgson Russ LLP Christopher Doyle Elizabeth Pascal William Turkovich | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |
Basics of Nexus: Understanding State Tax Issues | Annette Nellen | 2 | Basic | $59 | add to cartSold Out |